The advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) [8] have benefited interface design for educational purposes (e.g., language learning, social emotion learning) for children with special needs (e.g., autism, dyslexia) [2,3]. Although AI empowers design by offering efficient tools and various functional possibilities, it also brings many risks and challenges because of the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the design issue [5,7]. Designing AI interfaces for children with special educational needs is a challenging task. It heavily relies on joint research efforts between researchers and partitioners from interdisciplinary domains in Interaction Design and Children (IDC) community. Previous research has focused on reviewing the issues [5,7] and guidelines [1,9] of designing AI for children in general, or designing and implementing specific AI technologies for children with special needs [4,6]. However, little research has explored the research and design issues, rationale, challenges, and opportunities in designing AI interfaces for children with special needs in educational contexts. Children with special needs experience different challenges in learning, accessibility, and ethics compared to normal children when using AI interfaces. Therefore, discussing the common challenges may contribute to discovering potential solutions and envisioning future design opportunities.
In this workshop, we want to invite researchers from the IDC community to:
- discuss and identify the existing design issues, challenges and opportunities, and collaboration barriers;
- build consensus on critical research questions and research methods;
- formulate a potential design framework with principles and guidelines for educational AI interfaces for children with special needs.
Our expected outcomes of this workshop are:
- Establishing a design framework for Al interfaces for teaching children with special needs.
- Creatingsever a lnovel design prototypes based on the theoretical framework concrete issues, and contexts.
- Summarize the results of the workshop and present relevant papers at top academic conferences (CHI/IDC).
- Saleema Amershi, Dan Weld, Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Adam Fourney, Besmira Nushi, Penny Collisson, Jina Suh, Shamsi Iqbal, Paul N. Bennett, Kori Inkpen, Jaime Teevan, Ruth Kikin-Gil, and Eric Horvitz. 2019. Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’19), 1–13.
- Ibrahim El Shemy. 2022. Language Learning with Mobile Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’22), 658–661.
- Min Fan, Jianyu Fan, Sheng Jin, Alissa N. Antle, and Philippe Pasquier. 2018. EmoStory: A Game-based System Supporting Children’s Emotional Development. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’18), 1–6.
- Mona Leigh Guha, Allison Druin, and Jerry Alan Fails. 2008. Designing with and for children with special needs: an inclusionary model. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Interaction design and children (IDC ’08), 61–64.
- Juan Pablo Hourcade, Anja Zeising, Ole Sejer Iversen, Mikael B. Skov, Alissa N. Antle, Lisa Anthony, Jerry Alan Fails, and Greg Walsh. 2018. Child-Computer Interaction SIG: Ubiquity and Big Data — A Changing Technology Landscape for Children. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’18), 1–4.
- Eija Kärnä, Jussi Nuutinen, Kaisa Pihlainen-Bednarik, and Virpi Vellonen. 2010. Designing technologies with children with special needs: Children in the Centre (CiC) framework. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’10), 218–221.
- Aale Luusua and Johanna Ylipulli. 2020. Artificial Intelligence and Risk in Design. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’20), 1235–1244.
- Peter Norvig and Stuart Russell. 1995. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
- Ben Shneiderman. 2021. Tutorial: Human-Centered AI: Reliable, Safe and Trustworthy. In 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces – Companion (IUI ’21 Companion), 7–8.
Let’s contribute to the well-being of children with special needs.